Some of you have my phone number (most likely because you had an in-person session with me) and I give out my number a few days prior to our session so that if any emergencies arise on the day of your session (you're lost, your car broke down & you can't make it, you're going to be late, etc).
Please do NOT abuse that number for other non-emergent requests. I want to keep my phone "vanilla" and don't want session requests or other chit chat via the phone.
So please please please remember that phone number is NOT for you to use for texting.
Also, I did have to get my number changed about 6, maybe 10 months ago. So if you had my old number and are trying to text me on it, and not getting a response...that's why. If you had emailed me, you would have known this. And another reason why email is so much better than text is that I can put an "out of office" notice on it, so that way when I'm not responding to messages for 2-weeks, you'll know why.
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