Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Poem From a Naughty Boy

Miss Jenn Davis

Miss Jenn is one of the best, everyone knows
And I'm one of the naughtiest she has ever seen
So over Miss Jenn's lap my poor bottom goes
For discipline and guidance from a beauty queen

She spanks me with her hand, then her hairbrush
Before switching to her spatula and wooden spoon
She spanks me harder, harder, and is in no rush
To end my poor bottom's misery anytime soon

After a hard spanking to teach me my lesson
Miss Jenn gives me sexy lingerie to dress in
While I scrub her bathroom and give her a foot massage
Before she gives me one final cane and strap barrage

I'm so glad Miss Jenn didn't spank me even more
Because my poor bottom is sore, sore, sore
A few days later my poor bottom still knows it has been
Over the lap of sweet, but strict Miss Jenn

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thank You J. Thurber For the Testimonial

Miss Davis:

Let me tell you about a very unusual dream I had last Friday night.  In the dream, an attractive neighbor, whose views from both the front and the rear are quite appealing, managed to have me over to her place, after we had a beverage in mine and she wrangled a view of my messy office.

When I arrived at her place, within seconds, my jacket was off and my pants were down, and I got a number of very embarrassing spankings from her, in different locations and positions and with different implements, to address the deplorable state of my office.  Now, I have to admit that the spankings in the dream were not cruel or harsh, they just stung a lot and were so undignified with my bare bottom wiggling in the air to avoid her well-placed spanks.  While I am not a fan of physical violence, especially to kids, in my mind this spanking was just the opposite of violence, it was loving guidance to remedy a situation I regret.  At times, I felt she let up a bit so we could have an adult discussion, but then the intensity increased, including my getting a whipping with my own belt.  This woman really knows how to deliver a proper spanking!

As I woke up the next day and reflected upon the dream, I was wondering if I had imagined the whole thing.   My bottom was definitely red in the morning, but that could have come from a hot shower on my rear. I saw my belt missing.  Did I go out Friday night without putting a belt in my pants?  On Saturday, I was a little tender sitting, but not wincing.  It was a good reminder feeling. When I got to my morning swim, did I hear my bottom sizzle as it hit the water, or was it my imagination?

All I know is that cute neighbor I imagined did a very good thing.  She put so much energy into what she did and was so active in teaching me a good lesson.  This dream was no nightmare and it made me feel refreshed and happy and like I made a new friend.  A week later, I am still feeling productive and wonderful!

- J. Thurber

Professional Disciplinarian

Thank you J for the testimonial, our enjoyable time together, and of course...your belt!
Hope to do it again soon.   - Miss Jenn

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

I don't care if you are kicking and screaming

OTK spanking

I will not stop spanking you until I am satisfied you have learned your lesson.

(I must admit, I do love me some Sorenutz Femdom spanking art)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Santa's Coming Early

Santa Baby Spanks

As my gift to you, I'm doing free audio recordings throughout the holidays.

I will record any spanking or ABDL story that you have written under 800 words as my gift to you during the holidays (until I run out of time or start traveling again). Don't know how to do a word count?  On any browser type in notepad.pw and copy/paste your story onto this website, it will tell you how many words you have.

Your story can be about ABDL, spanking, FemDom, humiliation, adult diaper discipline, caning, scolding, sissification, age regression, bullying, forced feminization, and more.  Please make sure to proofread your story for errors before submitting.

Your story must be a self contained story, and NOT be a "to be continued" piece where you leave the reader hanging.

1. Your short story or favorite phrases needs to be under 800 words 
2. I have full rights to your short story once it is given, and may tweak it, change it, use it, profit from it or even reject it as I see fit
3.  Content related to bestiality, rape sex, incest, sex with graphic violence, fisting and any other content which may be judged as obscene will NOT be allowed.  All characters in the story must be at least 18 years old.  If you use a lot of phrases like "boy" "young man", then age must be stated to make it clear that the "boy" is actually a 54-year old or whatever his age may be ;) 
4. If your short story is rejected, feel free to submit another one which is acceptable
5. Do NOT send me another person's story/work and call it your own
6. If you are submitting an  ABDL story make sure that ages of anyone mentioned are clearly stated & over the age of 18.
F/m spanking

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dear Miss Jenn - A Testimonial

Dear Miss Jenn:

So I have to tell you: this is the most, most sore I have ever been after a spanking!!!!!

Was it the hardest spanking I have ever had? No and yes. No, in that I have actually had to safe word before -- I've been caned too hard, paddled too hard, gotten licks that were too hard.

None of the licks I got from you yesterday were close to making me safe word -- even though oh my god(dess) some of them hurt!!!!!!

What was different, though, and why this actually might have been (in one way) the most strict spanking I have ever gotten is this: I think I definitely got more licks -- many more licks -- from you than I have ever gotten before. And my poor, bruised, innocent bottom was definitely radiating more "color" than ever before!!!!!! (Seriously!!!!!)

And I loved every minute of it.

I absolutely loved it when you brought me out of corner time and I immediately noticed that you were holding a huge, thick belt.....belts send me over the edge....and then when you told me I was getting 50 licks, I was scared, but I had also died and gone to heaven.....OMG that was bad!!!!

I also loved it when I argued with you over the number of cane strokes I was getting.....and your response was just to go on and on and on and on!!!!!!! OMG I thought that caning would never end, Miss Jenn!!!!!! Interesting note: I used to think I hated the cane. After playing with you twice, it is now my third fave instrument (after the belt and the strap....although I also like paddles!!!!)

I think this is because you are not brutal with the cane. I mean, it hurts, it stings, man does it sting -- but it is not brutal.

I also loved it when I tried to struggle with you, stop you from spanking me, grab your hairbrush.....and how you absolutely lit into my bottom in response. OMG!!!!! I couldn't do anything but lay there and take it. You are stronger than I am!!!!!!

I also absolutely loved the green shorts you were wearing. So cute!!!!!!!! Part of me wanted to pinch you.....to see what would happen.....but a) I was afraid of what the repercussions might be and b) I was not sure if this is an appropriate way to interact with a professional disciplinarian (even if I was doing it as bratty play -- you might have a boundary against that!)

Anyways.....thank you for a wonderful experience. Oh, and it's not just my butt that's sore, Miss Jenn. My calves are sore (from all the jumping I was doing, after your licks). My arms and neck are sore (from resisting you!!!!) My shoulders are sore. I am swallowing advil like you wouldn't believe!!!!!! It's all good.

thank you thank you thank you


Thank you D, for the lovely Testimonial. It was definitely enjoyable for me as well  
      - Miss Jenn

Miss Jenn Davis

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Chris Writes a Testimonial About Our Time Together

Miss Jenn Davis

Miss Jenn continues to deliver unique and original sessions for those that come back for more!  This was session was based on the same basic theme (product testing on me with various items in her arsenal) as the last one but it was still unique!

This was a longer session (90 min) and the intensity was ramped up too!  

It started with a great OTK beginning and then proceeded with additional implements and positions.  I was then asked to guess which implement she was using on me.  I was to either get 5 of them right or get an additional strapping.  Well I only got two right so over I went for a serious strapping!  

Then she continued on with a large variety of implements used multiple times (24 implements I think) of all different varieties (wood, leather and other materials including hairbrushes, bath brushes, leather straps, tawses, canes, paddles, etc, etc.)

In the end the outcome was clear...

Miss Jenn and her arsenal: 1
Chris and his sore rear end: 0

Miss Jenn is a very beautiful and caring lady.  She can help you explore many different scenarios.  Just ask!

I highly recommend Miss Jenn to both new and experienced spankos.  The possibilities are endless!


Thank you so much, Chris, it means a lot to have you share how you felt with me
    - Miss Jenn

Can't Contain My Excitement!

Can I just say that I am SUPER EXCITED for some upcoming spankings that I am going to be dishing out!  This is totally me right now =)

Monday, November 5, 2018

Confirmation Emails For Baltimore Are Out

I've sent our confirmation emails to all my wonderful Baltimore spankos. If you didn't get it, check your junk folder FIRST, then send me an email letting me know you didn't get it.

I still have a few spots open (primarily on Monday Nov 12th).

Hugs & Spanks,
Miss Jenn Davis

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Massage Table in Baltimore? And Cat Woman

Female spanker

I have two completely separate requests

1. Do any of my Baltimore spankos have a massage table they could let me borrow & bring to my hotel for the entire time I'm in town?

2. If you have any good ideas for a video clip involving spanking + Cat Woman (could also be Wonder Woman), please email me.  

Thank you!!!

Hugs & spanks,
Miss Jenn

Friday, November 2, 2018

What Did I Tell You About Being Respectful to My Mother?

spanking art

Since you have chosen to be disrespectful, you are going over my lap for a good old fashioned bare bottom spanking!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

What's Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Well

F/m spanking

Someone out there on the internet found one of my pictures & captioned it.  How lovely, & I do admit, I think they captioned it well.  Thank you to this anonymous spanko!