to go over this lap for a good HARD spanking.
Professional Disciplinarian extraordinaire, Miss Jenn who *loves* spanking, spanking tube, spanking audio clips and spanking therapy
Want to know what I love most about this great piece of spanking art?
You can almost hear the one lady giggling and enjoying this poor lads obvious pain discomfort as her friend takes the manner of disciplining him VERY SERIOUSLY.
Do you think the lady watching is going to join in?
What do you think of this piece of art?
I definitely love giving OTK spankings
and just look at that helpless nude male going over the lap of a clothed dominant woman
I see some mention of the martinet which always reminds me of my dear friend Auntie Brigitte, another Disciplinarian and Dominatrix here in the Seattle area, who is French.
Lass, it's time you receive your whippin for your naughty behavior yesterday.
Update: someone was kind enough to tell me what the above says. It says:
There are no more whippings until his final night there - then he is given thirty six strokes with a school size martinet, a little toy she picked up on her last trip to France. And so ended his visit to Aunt Rita...It was not to be the last one.
A few updates since I first posted this in July.
- Fully vaccinated guests only
- Still looking for some demo bottoms
- Any questions that you'd like for me to try to answer in the class or topics you'd like covered? Feel free to post in the comments or email me
Links for more information:
Spank you very much for reading & I will see you soon. Maybe you'll even have a chance to be over my knee.