How is everyone doing out there (or rather "in" since everyone is staying inside right now due to mandatory shelter in place rules & laws)? I do hope that everyone is still healthy & safe?
Please let me know in the comments below how you are holding up & if you are sick or healthy!
I stopped taking in-person session requests a few weeks ago when the Governor mandated that anyone not working an "essential" job should stay home. Since I don't know how long this is going to last, I haven't updated my website to reflect this but seeing as "everyone" should know they are all supposed to be staying home, I figure this is kind of obvious.
I am still taking phone sessions (either through me or via NiteFlirt), doing IM (instant messaging sessions) & doing skype sessions. Phone & IM sessions are same price.
If you are in another country, I don't have long distance on my phone so you'd need to call me via NiteFlirt. You can either catch me when I log onto NiteFlirt, or you can schedule a time. Send me an email or message me via NF to try to find a time. Remember that I am on Pacific time, so all your time requests should be asked in "my" time zone. For IM sessions it is required that you schedule a time (although at times it can be scheduled last minute)
Skype sessions are not as expensive as an in-person session is, however it is much more expensive than just a regular phone session.
If you'd like a 5-min wellness check to see how you are doing, please send me a $20 tribute through AVN Stars (or one of my other platforms) and your phone number, & I will call to say hello & check up on you. If you abuse this & try to get a long phone call by trying to keep me on the line, I will not do business with you in the future, even if you are a friend.
I am also taking custom video & audio requests (obviously videos would only be one-person POV videos with only ME in it) since we are social distancing. And don't forget to check out my largest library of clips on clips4sale. Right now if you buy one of my clips anytime in the month of April through this link, I will get 100% commission on any clips you buy:
Please remember, though that you need to buy the clip through this link. If you are already in c4s surfing around and come across one of my clips & buy it, that doesn't count because it's coming from within c4s, but by clicking on this link from my blog (an outside source), is the only way to get this link to work, giving me the benefit of the 100% commission (normally I only get 60%, so this is a HUGE difference).
My Chicago trip has already been cancelled and it looks like my DC/Virginia trip is also going to be cancelled because of the "shelter in place" laws & trying to keep everyone safe. If you sent me a deposit, the trip will be rescheduled and I will figure out new dates once we have a better idea of how long this will last.
If you are a stranger & you send me an email right now asking me for an in-person session, I will most likely not even respond to your email because you must live under a rock to not know what is going on around you. I feel like there has been an "increase" of weirdos out there, and they seem to be contacting me and every other Disciplinarian or Domme out there.
Some of you (mostly strangers) seem to think that I have a lot of free time on my hands now & am bored and have nothing better to do. You are completely wrong & don't know me well. My to-do list is extremely long and always full (and no I don't have to leave the house, to do any of the items on my list). Most days I don't even have time to take a walk. I have family responsibilities, I'm working 5x as hard for a fraction of the money (no this is not a complaint, I realize I'm very blessed that I can do "some" work from home. Again this is not a complaint just a fact), and of course we all know that everything now-a-days from grocery shopping, to calling your brokerage firm, to calling your doctor or health insurance firm, to doing laundry, takes 10x as long as it used to prior to COVID-19.
I myself am healthy (I do think I most likely already had the coronavirus at the end of Feb) and have been caregiving for elderly family members, at times on a full-time basis. It has not been easy but at the same time, I have been blessed that my family is still alive.
Overall I am pretty positive right now & trying to stay focused on the thing that we all know & love to distract myself, as well as you, from thinking about other things. And what is that thing that we all know & love???? Spanking & kinky fun of course!
Ways you can help during this hard time:
- Purchase a clip or a dozen or my entire clip store
- Schedule a phone, skype or instant messaging session (IM is same price as phone)
- Send a tribute or gift
- Make sure to follow or subscribe to all my social media sites
- If you are one of my NiteFlirt callers, please "leave feedback" for the calls we have or the clips you buy, this helps me out ENORMOUSLY
- Hit like & retweet (or share) my posts
- If you suddenly have a lot of free time on your hands, and you have skills that could benefit me (ie - promotion on social media, writing, photo/video editing, doing little tasks for me), please let me know. I normally give most people a "test" task to see how well they follow my directions & how good of a job they did on the task given. If they were able to follow my instructions thoroughly, they will be given more tasks & also more complex tasks. I love when spankos & subs want to volunteer their time & are also bettering themselves in the process.