Saturday, November 13, 2021

Do you prefer the term whipping or spanking?

 It's very hard to read this text, can anyone with exceptional eyesight post what is written (down in the comments section for the rest of us to read)?

I see some mention of the martinet which always reminds me of my dear friend Auntie Brigitte, another Disciplinarian and Dominatrix here in the Seattle area, who is French.


Lass, it's time you receive your whippin for your naughty behavior yesterday.

Update: someone was kind enough to tell me what the above says.  It says:

There are no more whippings until his final night there - then he is given thirty six strokes with a school size martinet, a little toy she picked up on her last trip to France. And so ended his visit to Aunt Rita...It was not to be the last one.


  1. Nothing beats spanking. Spanking is the magic word.

    I remember these Aunt Rita illustrations years ago from Nu-West-Leda.

    "There are no more whippings until his final night there — then he is given thirty-six strokes with a school size martinet, a little toy she picked up on her last trip to France.

    And so ended his visit to Aunt Rita… it was not to be the last one."

  2. It is from the Nuwest Leda comic 'A visit to Aunt Rita's'.
    You can see the full version at along with a lot of similar comics.

    1. Oh that's great to know. You always seem to know the history of these things ;)

  3. I will give it a shot. This is what I see. BTW I prefer the term "spanking" to "whipping".

    There were no more whippings until his final night there - then he is given thirty-six strokes with a school-sized martinet, a little toy she picked up on her last trip to France.
    And so ended his trip to Aunt Rita ... it would not be his last.

    Congratulations on selling out your spanking class. I hope you will do more in the future. Are you going to tape it?

    1. thank you. I don't think my class will be taped as it's usually hard not to get class members in the video, and most people want to remain anonymous. I also worry that people would not ask questions if they were worried about their voice being recorded and I want class participation
