Friday, June 4, 2021

Miss Jenn Davis Talks Spanking n Kink and Paddles Madison Young on a New TV series


Miss Jenn Davis spanks Madison Young on new TV Series Submission Possible

So I've had some EXCITING NEWS to share with you for a while now, one of which I can now SHARE (the other will have to wait a bit longer).

A few months ago I filmed this episode with host Madison Young where we talk about spanking, implements, domestic discipline, and I'm sure a ton of other things I've forgotten about since it's been quite a while since we actually filmed this. At one point in the Seattle episode of her TV series, Submission Possible, I even get to spank her! She's got such an adorable & luscious bottom and she enjoys getting spanked (just like all of you!)

The Seattle episode will be coming out SOON. So once I have the details for the VIP premiere event as well as when it will be up for the general public, I will post that here on my website!


  1. Super Mommy Miss Jenn Spanks the Nation! With that exposure with spanking on public TV, you'll have naughty devils across the nation openly seeking spankings from you everywhere you go! You'll have to sneak out incognito to not be teased and accosted by random spank starved and crazed naughty devils needing a pair of silky knees to bend over! =;)

  2. Naughty devil would be more than happy to give Madison a follow up otk spanking plus after care, and you too my dear spanking Mommy!!! And of course for extra mutual fun, would also be more than happy to have Mommy demonstrate and assist Madison in how to properly spank naughty devil's bare bottom over each of their laps' silky knees too!!! A naughty devil has to think ahead to have all of the cheeks covered ... with good bare bottom otk spankings!!!! ND =;)
