Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My Fortune Told Me to Go South, So I Am Heading to Dallas

Trip details:
  • Dates are Dec 1-5th (the 5th is only 1/2 day)
  • I do require a deposit
  • Scheduling now!
  • I will be staying in downtown
  • For most of my trips, I book out before I ever step foot in the city I am traveling to, so don't wait too long and end up regretting it


  1. Mine told me "You will find uncomfortable seating as you journey to the East"

  2. You know, my dear, that I wish you would come about 200 miles further to the south :)

    Your Ever Naughty,

  3. My fortune the day before Saturday's play date: "Tomorrow will be lucky and memorable for you." Prescient
