One of my spanko's sent this story to me but he is not sure who the author is, otherwise I would love to give credit where credit is due. I think you'll enjoy it...
Robert was enjoying his summer off from college and was staying at his families cottage at the lake. Next door was a single mom with her two teenage daughters.
One early evening he was interrupted in his summertime light reading and beer sipping by shouting and sounds of a reprimand coming from the adjoining cottage. When he looked up and out he saw the older girl held by her mother [a good looking well built mama] and getting her tail swatted, being led into the house.
He put down the book and found a spot near the master bedroom window that just happened to face his neighbors’ master bedroom and their window and curtains were open.
He saw the crying seventeen year old getting her pants taken down and pulled across her mother’s knee. He made himself as secluded as possible.
What he saw was a classic mother-daughter hairbrush spanking that was taken in anything but stoic silence. It went on and on as the mother went over the reasons her daughter would not be sitting down for the next few days at least. When it ended and the girl was let up she had her hands plunged down her panties, doing an impromptu war dance as she frantically tried to rub out some of the pain her mother expertly applied to her now very red rear.
The mother stood up and went to the curtains, glared across at him and shut the curtains close.
In a short while there was a banging on the front door. He quickly went to answer it and found the tall, good looking, mother from next door, standing there and not looking at all pleased.
I want to talk to your mother or father young man! Err, they’re not here, I’m here by myself for the summer. That is a misjudgment on their part, you are obviously not mature enough to handle being left on your own[as she walked in, not being invited]. It was then he saw she still held The Hairbrush!
After ranting and railing and waving the [still warm] brush in his face for invading her families privacy and how he, if he wanted to be treated as an adult, should show some forethought and constraint and start showing he can act in a mature manner. And as it was, in the absence of adult supervision, It fell to her, to act as the adult as long as he was left to his own devices.
Robbie was a bit confused and taken aback at the confrontation. That was quickly answered and ended by her snatching him by the upper arm and leading him over to the nearest straight back chair, she sat down on.
Before he knew what was happening, the college sophomore was across the mother’s muscular thighs and his sweat shorts and underwear were down at his *locked in* calves. He was going to get the spanking of his life, there was no mistake about that!
It started in earnest, without a graduated *introduction* or lead up. He howled and begged and made pleas and promises to be good. In short, he was taking her punishment much worse than her daughter showed she could.
When she finally vented most of her anger, his rear was throbbing and felt on fire. When she released him his *war dance* rivaled her sixteen year old’s and he didn’t care what kind of show he was putting on. Snot and tears dripped from his face and wet the floor.
She stood up and spanked marched him to a corner! Sobbing and bare, red bottomed, he was ordered to stay there until she came back and put him to bed. “Heaven help you” if I come back and find out you didn’t follow my orders! He needed no additional threats. He promised he was going to be a good boy.
That evening, true to her word, she got him ready for bed. Before he was allowed to get into bed, she once again put him across her knee with his bare, mottled bottom under her palm. He was told that she would be keeping a close eye on him for the remainder of the summer. He was to tell her where he would be and even ask permission to go somewhere to see if she would allow him to go. In short he was to treated as one of her children and that he should make no mistake as to what he will get if he doesn’t toe the line. A *good night spanking* emphasized that she meant business and she tucked her neighbor/foster child in, toddy side up, sobbing himself to sleep, still making promises that he will be a good boy.
She turned off the lights, saying, I know young man you will certainly try to be. Just remember that I know exactly where my hairbrush is at all times. And I will let my girls watch the next time you need spanked. And there were a few more next times.
Some Guy's have all the Luck!
ReplyDeleteI believe it may be from a Dec. 31 2015 post on
ReplyDeleteSeveral similar stories there.
Your welcome,
I agree with Jack, some guys have all the luck. He did get what he deserved.