should always be nurtured
By Edward
enjoying a lite lunch we decided to go for a walk on the mall, Jenn
had never been here before and wanted to see everything. With as
nice a day as it was we decided to enjoy walking and sightseeing all
the monuments and before long we had walked around the entire tidal
basin. Her fascination was almost childlike as she took in the
historical representations of everything. Me, I just enjoyed watching
her. Spending this time with my friend was everything I had
remembered about our lifelong friendship. There was nothing I would
not do for her. Finally at the National gallery hunger over took us,
we decided to go to dinner at a little local bistro well known for
both its cuisine and clientele. While eating we could speak about
the day, how amazing the history combined with the present. And make
plans for what we wanted to do after dinner. Our waitress took our
orders and turned out to be one of those talkative servers, you know
the type, overly friendly, the kind that on occasion can make your
dining experience more enjoyable or on other times, be intrusive. As
far as I was concerned this was one of those intrusive times. She
was of course, quite attractive dressed in her white blouse and short
black skirt and low heels, on any other occasion I might be inclined
to try and get her number. I am a sucker for short skirts but it
seemed as though she were constantly there. Asking about our day,
making suggestions for where to go during Jenn’s visit, asking
where J was from. Almost like she was part of our private dinner
party. For J’s part she was enjoying our uninvited guest and
engaging her. For my part, I was beginning to resent this young
woman’s attention. I guess she was only trying to help, but all I
could think of was ‘just get our food and quit interrupting us’
and slowly I began to burn. Finally and sarcastically telling her we
were there to enjoy a quiet dinner and of course to make that happen,
we needed our dinner some time before breakfast. Thinking I had put
this young lady in her place I felt smug, kind of manly, until I
glanced at Jenn. I could tell from her stare, she was not happy with
me. Quickly I tried to change the conversation back to us, but J went
quiet. Seating there in the uncomfortable silence I tried to lighten
the mood “I’m sorry J, I’m so hungry I think my blood sugar
must be low”. Mimicking the popular candy bar commercials. “I
guess I am not myself when I don’t have a snickers bar”. I told
her and It seemed to work. I saw her make a rye smile and she said “I
guess we need to feed you more often and keep a supply of candy bars
on hand for just these times, that and maybe a hairbrush”. Fixing
me again with her rye smile. I know I turned red and scanning the
room said, “I really am sorry J, I just wanted to visit with you
and eat”. I said. “It seemed like she was monopolizing our time
together with her constant chatter”. “She was just being nice E
and point in fact, I was enjoying every thing she was saying.
Remember I am on vacation and enjoying the sightseeing. She was
really interesting to me, but obviously you didn’t see that did
you?’ She told me. “No, I guess I didn’t J, I’m sorry”. I
said. “No, you didn’t E thinking only of yourself again. You
really need to learn to watch and listen before you speak. It will
really help to keep you from embarrassing yourself and making others
uncomfortable. But let’s don’t let it ruin a perfectly wonderful
day”. J said. “You’re right J, I am so sorry and if it will
help I’ll even leave our young server a very good tip”. I told
her. “That would be nice E, that and an apology”. The last spoken
as more of a command then suggestion and with that out came Jenn’s
hairbrush as she then excused herself to go to the lady’s room.
“Maybe I should invite her to join us later to see just how sorry
you are” Jenn said quietly, causing me to blush effusively. “I
expect my hairbrush to be right here on the table when I return,
regardless of who might see it or any questions if may beg to be
asked E”. Jenn whispered. “Understood young Man”? Nodding I
suddenly knew that Jenn’s early threat in my guest bathroom was
more than just teasing. I now understood she was looking for any
excuse I might unintentionally give her to once again take me across
her knee for another bottom blistering spanking and that was not only
embarrassing, it was down right frightening. Staring at that dreaded
hairbrush, I couldn’t help but blush remembering how red Jenn had
colored my bottom the last time I saw it and just how much that
coloring had hurt. It seemed I had created a monster, well not
really a monster, but certainly a firm no nonsense disciplinarian
with that first spanking I had unwittingly agreed to accept back in
Seattle. What I thought back then would be a one and done had turned
into two other spankings, each distinctly separate but each
administered with a firm hand and a lesson to be taught. But never
did I think it would lead to this. Even with the threat she whispered
in my ear when she dropped me off at the Seattle airport. A threat I
thought was just a teasing remark once again. Still, hoping she was
only teasing, especially with her veiled threat of inviting our
server to join us later, I began to think this was something more.
Perhaps I had crossed that line leading to another bottom blistering
spanking but she really wouldn’t invite this attractive young lady
over to witness my punishment for my behavior during dinner. She’d
never really do that, no not something like that. This was
something very private between the two of us, going all the way back
to our childhood. And as I was lost in this embarrassing circular
thought, J suddenly reappeared and sat down. “Good, I see my
hairbrush is right where I left it”. She said. “I would have been
quite upset if you had tried to move it or worse, hide it. I
intentionally left it very visible for you to contemplate your
behavior and the consequences misbehaving could lead to E”. “Jenn,
I’m not sure whether you are threating me or just teasing me, but
please, I have learned my lesson and really just want to enjoy your
visit”. I whined. “Can’t we just do that J”? “Certainly
E, but our relationship dynamic has changed since I last saw you in
Seattle. I care as much as I have ever cared for you, but I also want
you to be the best you possible and if that means occasionally
embarrassing you when you are less than you best, or putting you
across my knee when you really deserve a spanking, well that is
exactly what I will do and I do not care who knows it”. She went
on. “In fact you are lucky I don’t put you over my knee right
here and now for the way you treated that young lady! Now that would
be embarrassing, but also deserved. That was no way to behave during
what had been up until then, a wonderful day and going forward, I
will not allow that kind of behavior in my presence, understood?”
She asked. Looking down at the tablecloth I nodded and slowly
raising my eyes up, I told her “Yes J, I understand and promise I
got your message loud and clear. I am so very sorry and I will be on
my best behavior always going forward. Believe me I do not want
another of your ‘Bottom blistering’s’ as you are so fond of
threatening now”. I implored her. With that a few minute later
our dinners arrived and things seemed to calm down as we enjoyed a
really good meal and a nice bottle of wine. ”How was everything”?
Our cute served asked?” “Good, great actually and your service
was delightful”. I responded being as nice as I could be. If we
could get our check please?” I asked her as pleasantly as I could.
“We’ld like to settle the bill and I really do apologize for my
earlier behavior. It was nothing you did, I was just so hungry”. I
said to the young lady, giving her my credit card, I looked at her
and again sincerely apologized, telling her my rudeness was
inexcusable. If that was not enough, the tip more than told her how
sincere my apology was. Jenn watched all this and with a smile on her
like I had narrowly escaped not only a very embarrassing
confrontation, but another spanking I headed to the door wanting to
get out of there as quickly as possible. Not realizing J was not
directly behind me until I got no reply to my question about where
she wanted to go next, I stopped and turned and saw J in quiet
conversation with our waitress. Seeing the quiet close conversation
between them made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I’m
not sure what she said exactly, but somehow I knew if I could hear
it, I would not enjoy what she was saying. Looking up J saw me
standing by the door and disengaged with our waitress and walked by
me and out the door. Once outside I suggested we walk to the Lincoln
Memorial telling her how beautiful it was on these early spring
evenings with the Marble backlit and looking out across the
reflecting pool toward the Washington Memorial. Hoping this might
help her forget my behavior during dinner. The walk along the Mall
was surprisingly empty and we fell into a very pleasant conversation
talking about plans for the rest of her stay, what was going on back
home, any new boyfriends/girlfriends just the kind of conversation
you would expect between to lifelong friend. At the Lincoln Memorial
we walked the steps up while looking at Lincoln’s statue gazing
out, seeing all that lay before him. In the quiet of this late
evening it seemed as though he were alive. There is both a comfort to
his face and eeriness to the size and the caverness space he resides
in. After a few moments we walked out and took a seat a few steps
down from the top. Looking out towards the Washington Monument I
pointed out to J the ‘Reflecting pool’ which when still and quiet
you could see the reflection of the Washington Monument. Seeing two
separate but distinct Washington Monuments. Jenn sat quietly looking
in that direction. I thought she was looking to see this fun fact I
had just given her, suddenly she looked at me and quietly said “You
know your behavior in the restaurant was inexcusable”. Continuing
on before I could answer. “ As quiet as it is here I half a mind to
pull you over my knee right here, right now E. Fortunately for you I
could neither spank you long enough or hard enough right now without
pulling your pants down and since I have no wish to be arrested for
disciplining a naughty boy in such a public and exposed place, once
again you have escaped the spanking we both know you deserve! “Wha
..what do you mean once again? I asked. “You saw me talking to
our young waitress, apologizing for your rude behavior. Well not only
did I apologize, I was asking her if there was a room I could use for
a bit to give you the very spanking you sorely deserved”. J told
me. “You .. you.. you didn’t really do that di di did you J”?
I stuttered. Knowing full well she did. “I most certainly did and
lucky for you she had no such private space or you would be over my
lap still getting your bum blistered good and red.” Jenn scolded
and continued on “and if I were certain we could get away with it
I’d pull you over my knee right here and now. Hmmm.. I wonder if
your spanking would be reflected in the pool Hmmm” now that’s
quite the thought”. She said lost in the imagery of her own
revelation. “Please J, not here please”. I begged. I know I
deserve a spanking, but please not here in such a public open space”.
Oh stop begging, you know I am not actually going to spank you
sitting here, out in the open like this. Not that a part of me
really doesn’t want to”. She scolded. “ ike the part of me that
really did want to spank you right in that restaurant, with our young
server watching. She more than anyone deserved to see you get the
spanking you had coming!” “It was just very lucky for you she
could not find a space for me to use”. “Very lucky indeed. So no
spanking while sitting here in what really would be a perfect spot”.
Could you imagine that, for the rest of your life, when ever you saw
this memorial, you would be forever reminded of laying over my knee
and getting a spanking for all the world to see”. “I wish I had
the nerve to do just that E, but not wanting to get arrested out
weighs, at this moment, wanting to give you the spanking you
deserve”. “Now let’s stand and leave here before I change my
mind”. She told me as she rose and started down the steps. Me, I
just sat there a moment, not really believing what I had just been
told, but at the same time knowing I had narrowly escaped what could
have been the most embarrassing instant of my life. Then quickly
rising and following her down the steps. We continued our walk
around the Mall. When we reached the FDR memorial we sat by the tidal
basin in complete silence and I could see J looking about taking the
splendid beauty of the setting in, at least I thought that’s what
she was doing, but suddenly Jenn insisted I stand and face her.
Wondering what this was about I stood and before completing my turn
towards her, she was quickly undoing my belt and pulling my pants
down and before I could really even protest, I was over her knee.
Right there on the tidal basin walk, in the glowing evening setting
sun, I was face down across Jenn’s bare lap getting the very
spanking I knew was coming from the moment I picked her up. It seemed
she was just biding her time, especially since dinner, watching me
blush as she embarrassed me time and again, until she had found her
spot. Then there on this quiet walkway, sitting on a public bench,
Jenn had found a place, suitable to her need for discretion, without
giving up her desire to publicly punish me. Scolding me as only Jenn
can while administering her very distinctively fast spanks she let
her desire to teach me a lesson unleash her stinging hand.
Spank,Spank,Spank, Spank,Spank,Spank,> and I lay there squirming
over her knee throughout absolutely the most embarrassing moment of
my life just praying no one would come upon us. And seemingly just
as quickly as it started, Jenn took out her hairbrush and gave me 5
of the hardest smacks I had ever felt and had me rise back to my
feet. “Now there, don’t you feel better now, getting what we
both know you deserved”? She asked. “I I can’t believe you just
did that, my God what were you thinking”. I frantically told her
looking about to make sure we weren’t seen. Big mistake, because
as I was looking around I felt a tug on my belt and before I could
struggle my pants were undone again and I was back over her knee.
“The more you struggle young man, the longer this will take and the
greater chance someone will see us”. Jenn patiently explained
working my underpants down. You will never talk to me in that tone
when I am punishing you. Is that clear E?” Jenn asked as she began
spanking me once again. Only this time much harder
<Spank,Spank,Spank,Spank,Spank,Spank, Spank,Spank,Spank,
Spank,Spank,Spank,> This time her spanks were much more briskly
applied and on my bare bottom sounded like a gunshot going off. I
wanted to struggle but she had me over one knee with her free leg
across my legs literally locking me into this embarrassing position
that had placed my bare bottom at her beck and call. “Please Jenn
please, I am so sorry please I promise Jenn please” I begged like
the naughty 10 year old she had me feeling like. “I promise Jenn I
will never question you again please”. And thankful, as quickly as
it began, again, this spanking ended. Jenn let me up and believe me I
never got a pair of pants up so fast. Standing there, surprised that
we had gotten away with this public spanking unseen, I was both
relieved and embarrassed beyond belief, but strangely as I looked at
Jenn, sitting there on the bench, legs crossed and arms folded across
her chest. I could not help but admire her even more. Not that I
enjoyed my spanking in the park, but that this Woman cared enough
about me to not let me get away with my temper tantrums. Treating
that young lady the way I had was wrong and Jenn was not about to let
me get away with it. Suddenly I knew this was something that I had
missed throughout my younger life. All but once, when another strong
willed lady had called me on my childish behavior and spanked me
until I could not sit for several days. For some strange
unexplainable reason, this was something that really got through my
thick skull and grabbed my attention. “I’m so sorry Jenn, I know
I deserved that, I know I should not have questioned your right to
punish me. I guess I was just so surprised and afraid someone would
see us” I told her quietly, head down, afraid to look her in the
eye. “E, come sit by me?’ Jenn requested patting the bench next
to her. I sat down and Jenn placed both hands on my cheeks turning
my face to her. “You know I care about you and while I may now
punish you when it is well deserved, I will always do it with love
and caring, no matter how naughty you may have been and you my dear
friend, will never question me as to when and where”. She told me
looking me straight in the eyes. “Are we clear on this E?” She
asked. Nodding my head as she held me in her gaze I heard myself
muttering a quiet “Yes ma’am, I understand and am sorry for
questioning you”. Fine Jenn told me releasing me, smoothing out
her skirt and rising from the bench. “Shall we go back to your
place? It’s been quite the first day and I am tired”. Taking my
hand, helping me up, she asked. Just like that my spanking was over,
short and to point, painful, but happily over and once again we were
just friends. Walking back to my car I don’t think I was ever
happier to be leaving the scene of a crime. I couldn’t believe I
had so suddenly been given a spanking in such a public place and not
been caught. What I didn’t know was that Jenn had been looking for
just such a place, public, but for a moment seemingly private, a
place, just like our bench, since leaving the restaurant. If I only
knew what else she had planned for me before this night was over.
To be continued...
It is a true friend who will show you how much they care and Love you to take the time to work out the small details ! Like not if but where and when will be the best time and place Miss Jenn showed you she was not just embarrassed for the waitress and her self but for you also!