Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Benefits of Getting Spanked


  1. "10. The marks left from getting spanked is like an art of its own." That really says it; my Mom is the consummate artist as she definitely leaves a wonderful mosaic of reds & purples with random welts as that of an exquisite stained glass on my bottom every time.

    --- debbie

  2. And how about...

    11. A spanking makes authority unambiguously clear. It is a powerful demonstration of who is in charge and who must adjust their behavior and attitude in order to be in alignment with rules and expectations.

    12. A spanking can bring people together. Few shared activities involve this level of intimacy, or can motivate such a depth of openness and honesty.

    13. It is easy to get wrapped up in our own beliefs and opinions. What could grab our attention and force us to at least consider another point of view? Nothing gets our attention like the hard back of a wooden hairbrush. Listening and responding with consideration and respect becomes the desperate priority. Consider it a growing experience.

    14. Spanking addresses guilt. There is the sorrow you feel before a spanking, and the sorrow you feel after a spanking. The kind you feel after can be a form of closure.

    15. Spanking can promote better health. Not only is it possible to raise the heart rate and burn calories through the anticipation of and physical reaction to being on fire, a very tender bottom is extra encouragement to get up off our ass and be more active for a few days.
