Monday, March 23, 2020

Spanked To Tears...While the Neighbors Watch


1 comment:

  1. Now that naughty devil sure has the ideal loving spanking wife with a sense of humor, pulling the curtains in front of the spanking chair and calling all the neighbors to watch their happy bare bottom over the knee spanking playtime, showing all the other neighborhood wives and girlfriends how to keep your naughty devil husband or boyfriend in love and playing together in a happy spanking home. All the neighborhood husbands and boyfriends are so envious and sure wish they were getting a bare bottom over the knee spanking from their wives and girlfriends too, really hoping their wives and girlfriends take note of how happy the spanking couple is and will want to start spanking them this instant to be a happy spanking couple too!
    This is what you get when a naughty devil gets couped up with social distancing to only dream of the day when he will be over his darling's silky knees again, happily getting another long hard furious bare bottom spanking, those pale pancakes will be the bright and glowing to match the red rose again, requiring long forgiving loving cuddling and aftercare too!!!! And then it's your turn young lady, naughty devil daddy knows just how naughty you have been being cute spanking the nation!
    ND =;)
