Link to my spanking blog, click here
Click here for photos of my armory. This is just a "small" sample of the implements that I own. If you'd like to see a lovey showcasing of these lovely implements (hairbrushes, paddles, bath brushes, canes, straps, and more) click the above link. Enjoy!
Testimonials from others about their experiences getting spanked by Miss Jenn. If you would like to add your testimonial, feel free to email it to me and I will add it when I get the chance.
Photos of those spanked by Miss Jenn. Keep in mind that certain photos are more "extreme" than others. Please remember that I do spank a lot of masochists, and that the type of corporal punishment that they received was discussed in advance. This is not the type of spanking that you would necessarily receive, MOST of my clients are not able to have any marks and therefore look nothing like this. There are also photos on this page that show spankee's who could not or did not want marks and just had nice "blushing" cheeks. Click here
Photos of Miss Jenn
Photos of Miss Jenn