Thursday, September 15, 2016

Some Days Are Hard...

Some days are hard...Working in the "kink" field, while having primarily all "vanilla" friends is not easy.  I've told a few people that were very close to me what I do.  Out of those few, I lost 2 friends who couldn't handle it and chose to end the friendship.  One initially about 1.5 years ago, the other just recently.  With those who are left, conversation can be awkward, it's the elephant that's in the room. They won't bring it up in conversation unless I do, and it's obvious they hope that I will "come to my senses, and return to the real world" as soon as possible. I imagine this must be what it would be like if you had a friend with a terminal illness, you are not quite sure what to say or do.

Now granted I've made a lot of wonderful friends in the spanking world.  And I am very grateful for them.  But it's still very sad that friendships that I had for 7-15 years, have ended due to me becoming a Disciplinarian.

I can almost here the Lifestylers & some ProDomme's I know saying "Forget them, they were never your friends to begin with if they can't accept you for who you are or what you do" or other sayings like that. But I'm not a lifestyler and I'm not out of the closet and most of my friends truly are vanilla. Now don't worry, I'm not giving up being a Disciplinarian!  Just needed to let it all out, and I'm sure many of you can understand and relate, since the majority of you are "in the closet" as well...


  1. I've had a spanking obsession my entire life. I recently told a woman who is one of my oldest and dearest friends about my love of it. She looked uncomfortable at the time and seems to avoid contact now. The funny thing is how "progressive" and "open-minded" she claimed to be. I was sad at first. Then angry. I often wonder what her reaction would have been if instead of admitting a love of discipline, I had instead told her that I was gay. I think that that has less stigma attached these days than spanking does.

  2. I've had a spanking obsession my entire life. I recently told a woman who is one of my oldest and dearest friends about my love of it. She looked uncomfortable at the time and seems to avoid contact now. The funny thing is how "progressive" and "open-minded" she claimed to be. I was sad at first. Then angry. I often wonder what her reaction would have been if instead of admitting a love of discipline, I had instead told her that I was gay. I think that that has less stigma attached these days than spanking does.

  3. Miss Jenn I am so sorry to hear that. It is truly sad. And it hurts. I am very open with most of my close friends and have lost some also as I do not typically hide who I am and my love of spanking and other kinks. I believe in being honest so this my openness. Hugs�� Hope to see you again soon and when I do maybe a MJE to chat and get to know you better. To me you are an amazing person. Hang in there!
