Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Leg Locked and Spanked with the Bathbrush [ Mini-Video ]

 Have you ever received a bathbrush spanking?


If so, what do you think of this domestic spanking tool? 


Well, whether you've felt it or not, check out my mini spanking video above 



  1. Oh Miss Jane when it comes to the bath brush, I won't give up the experience of being caught in the bathtub (masturbating), you will be wearing a sport short with a tank top & red slipper when you grab my ear to pull me naked out of the soap, with a smirk and the bath brush in your other hand saying "& What do you think you're doing, young man? You don't need my permission to mess with yourself?"🙈.... don't forget to put your foot on the middle of my back to keep me still on my knees and my hands on the floor while you blistering my wet butt with your long bath brush and make me apologize to you after each stroke.. that's what I call a special souvenir

  2. That hurt...I was being a little you-know-what
