Friday, February 1, 2019

Miss Jenn Davis Mentioned in a Playboy Article Regarding Impact Play & Flogging

I was interviewed in Playboy Magazine for an article called "Inside the Scintillating World of Impact Play" by S. Nicole Lane. Click here to be swept away to this captivating article.

Some of my favorite parts of the article:

Miss Jenn Davis, a professional disciplinarian and fetish model explains that reactions from people who are flogged are similar to the reactions that someone has with a massage. “If I’m going for giving someone pain, I’ll pick up a spanking implement. If I’m trying to get someone to relax and want something more sensual, I’ll pick up a flogger,” she explains. If you’re into BDSM, you’re probably aware of subspace and how it can be a therapeutic experience for those under the flogger. If you are new to BDSM, subspace is a euphoric state with intense emotions.

This next part made me laugh uncontrollably:
Miss Jenn Davis explains that “starting out with something soft like rabbit furs” is a good idea. If the sub enjoys this material, “moving on to a flogger that is very soft and sensual to the touch,” is the next step. It’s always important to test the flogger on your skin when in a sex shop. I’m not asking you to perform a scene in between the dildos and the butt plugs, but make sure the material feels appealing by gently rubbing it over bare skin. As the person flogging, it’s important to know what your partner is feeling and as the person being flogged, it’s important to enjoy the product.

When I ask Miss Jenn why she enjoys flogging someone she explains the glow that the sub has after a scene. “If I can tell that what I'm doing is making them ‘feel alive’ and in the moment,” then she is satisfied.

So that is just a small "taste" of what the article is about, but there is so much more you can read about and explore in the actual Playboy article: Click here to read the FULL Playboy article


  1. Nice Article, iteresting insights, when did the interview you for this?

    1. The interview happened back in Nov 2018, but these articles take quite a while to get posted, especially if it's Playboy

    2. It's cool that they finally published it. You should see about getting a print copy of the issue for yourself as a 'momento' Hope you're enjoying your 'snow week' ;)
